NLSA School Resources

Evidence Based Accreditation (EBA)

Early Childhood Accreditation

Previous Documentation

If you are looking for EBA or Early Childhood school documents (Self-Study and Administrator Handbook) from the September 2021 revision, you will need to contact your District Education Executive or NLSA District Commissioner who will be able to supply you with these resources.  Remember, you will have needed to have your NLSA Application processed in the NLSA national office prior to September 1, 2022 for you to use these resources.  If you did not have your application in prior to this date, you will need to use the updated resources available above.

Questions About the School Resources?

If you have questions related to any of the above NLSA School Documents and Resources, please either contact your local LCMS District office or District Commissioner through the links below. They are equipped to guide you and your schools through the complete NLSA process to completion. Additionally, if you are wanting to include any of the official NLSA logos and images in any of your publications, please feel free to do so using the resources available through the “NLSA Media Downloads” button.