Please visit the National Lutheran Schools Week website ( to get any last minute resources you need to celebrate the week alongside thousands of other Lutheran schools around the country! Be sure to share anything you are you doing in your school to celebrate by using the #NLSW18 hashtag on social media and keep following LCMS School Ministry on Facebook, …
LCMS School Ministry Mailing (December 2017)
The December 2017 edition of the LCMS School Ministry Mailing is available for use and distribution! Articles this month include the following:
LCMS School Ministry Mailing (November 2017)
The November 2017 edition of the LCMS School Ministry Mailing is available for use and distribution! Articles this month include the following:
2017 National Distinguished Principal
Michael J. Yurk, principal of St. Paul Lutheran School, Grafton, WI is one of 62 “National Distinguished Principals” chosen by the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) for 2017! Text taken from NAESP Press Release:
LCMS School Ministry Mailing (October 2017)
The October 2017 edition of the LCMS School Ministry Mailing is available for use and distribution! Articles this month include the following:
Registration is Open for the 2018 Lutheran School Administrators Conference
As you register, please note: Disney has provided a unique opportunity for LSAC administrators to experience the Disney parks and its Disney Youth Education Series. Each of the two experience options has a maximum of 150 registrants available on a first-come, first-served basis to administrators who register at the Basic Registration level (not spouses, emeriti, or exhibitors). Administrators who participate …
LCMS School Ministry Mailing (September 2017)
The September 2017 edition of the LCMS School Ministry Mailing is available for use and distribution! Articles this month include the following:
Reformation A-Z Coloring Book Released!
In celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, Reformation A-Z: Celebrating the Reformation With God’s Youngest Blessings is a coloring book for early learners that will help educators teach specific parts of the Reformation in the classroom and help families engage in Reformation learning at home. Filled with 26 wonderfully-illustrated pages, Reformation A-Z allows young learners to come face-to-face …
2017 NLSA School Shepherd Announced!
ST. LOUIS, MO – August 28, 2017 – We are pleased to announce the selection of the 2017 National Lutheran School (NLSA) School Shepherd, Pastor Peter A. Schmidt, who serves at Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church and School in Waukesha, Wisconsin. The Lutheran School Shepherd Award was established by NLSA to honor a faithful pastor who provides outstanding encouragement, support and …
2017 NLSA Schools of Distinction
Recently, the National Lutheran School Accreditation (NLSA) Commission met to accredit schools and conduct the business of the organization. The 2017 commission accredited 102 schools at its annual meeting in July. Several of the schools were awarded special recognition as Schools of Distinction. Miriam Webster’s dictionary defines distinction as “an accomplishment that sets one apart.” This year, five schools distinguished …