Governing Board Resource
for Lutheran Schools (2017 Edition)
This resource is for Lutheran school administrators and boards. It describes the board’s roles, responsibilities and limitations in the school’s governance. Boards and administrators are encouraged to work through this manual together, seeking to evaluate and grow in governance skills. Such growth will contribute to educational excellence and Lutheran distinctiveness.
Questions for reflection or discussion are included for many of the chapters. Consider replacing them or adding to them with your own board-generated questions. They may be used as part of your board development plan.
This resource assumes that the school board, administrator and pastor work together as partners, each helping the other to accomplish designated responsibilities. More important, it is assumed that all partners will work together in Christ. Working together in Christ contributes to forgiveness, strength and mutual effort to accomplish God’s will through Lutheran schools.
About the Editors
LCMS Office of National Mission–School Ministry is grateful for the blessings God has given the church through the following:
– The writers from Lutheran schools who brought diversity of experience and administrative skills to the 2002 Governing Board Manual for Lutheran Schools. They are Dr. Perry Bresemann, Bob Brauer, Tom Geyer, Roger Laesch, Andy Novy, Dr. Carolyn Sims, Elizabeth Skinner and Dr. Ross Stueber. Dr. Carl Moser and Ed Grube managed and edited the project.
– The reviewers who offered suggestions for the 2016 updating of this manual: Robert Cooksey, Robert Mayhew and Dr. Rebecca Schmidt. Ed Grube was the editor. Additionally, this manual was reviewed and edited by Thompson Coburn, LLP, the Synod’s General Counsel and by the office of the LCMS Chief Administrative Officer.