Pastor Bernard Ross III
NLSA School Shepherd
2024 Award Recipient
The Lutheran School Shepherd Award was established by National Lutheran School Accreditation (NLSA) to honor a faithful pastor who provides outstanding encouragement, support and service to his school. Pastors who are considered for this prestigious award understand and articulate a clear philosophy of Lutheran education and provide spiritual encouragement, guidance and support for the schools entrusted to their care. They are champions for their schools.
We are pleased to announce that Rev. Bernard Ross III who serves at Trinity Lutheran Church and School, Alma, Missouri, is selected as the 2024 NLSA School Shepherd.
The NLSA Validation Team nominated Pastor Ross during Trinity Lutheran School’s NLSA site visit in the spring of 2024. After LCMS Missouri District officials endorsed his nomination, a committee of well-respected pastors and school leaders reviewed each NLSA School Shepherd Award application and unanimously selected Pastor Ross from the slate of deserving leaders nominated for this award.
When asked, “Why do you love your school?” Pastor Ross replied, “Whether it’s the children baptized next door (in the Church) as infants or the unchurched that attend, Christ is clearly taught and embodied by all the staff to ensure that the children are built up as Christians, trusting in Christ, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.”
LCMS Missouri District President Rev. Dr. Lee Hagan endorses Pastor Ross’ nomination and shares, “Pastor Ross is dedicated to the care of each student in the school and to supporting the teachers and staff in their critical work. He is faithful in his visitation of the classrooms and in interacting with school families. Pastor Ross is an example of what it means to be pastor to the congregation AND the school.”
Principal Angela Wells affirms, “We work closely together with the same goal: to provide a Christ-centered education lasting more than a lifetime. I am always encouraged by the conversations between students and Pastor Ross. He is here every school day, his door open, ready to address any situation from staff or students.”
A member of Trinity shares, “Pastor Ross is seen throughout the community volunteering and attending events in support. He is excellent at building relationships and regularly checks in on individuals and families. Pastor Ross is the shepherd that takes a personal interest in his flock and their well-being.”
A school parent states, “Pastor Ross builds relationships with students and makes himself approachable. He is in the classrooms, in the hallways, he’s part of the culture at Trinity. Pastor Ross easily checks off the list of being a faithful and knowledgeable servant of God. But he stands out for his dutiful investment in our children.”
A graduate of Lindenwood University in St. Charles, MO, and Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO, Pastor Ross has faithfully served at Immanuel Lutheran Church and Altamont Lutheran Interparish School, Altamont, IL (2014-2019) and Trinity Lutheran Church and School, Alma, MO (2019-Present).
Pastor Ross’ leadership exemplifies the traits of a faithful school shepherd and NLSA is pleased to recognize his service and contributions to Lutheran education with the 2024 School Shepherd Award.