2016 LCMS Blue Ribbon Schools Announced!

2016 LCMS Blue Ribbon Schools Announced!

U.S. Secretary of Education John King announced on Wednesday (9/28/2016) the names of schools identified by the U.S. Department of Education as the National Blue Ribbon Schools for 2016 and two Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod schools have been awarded this high honor! Congratulations to St. Paul Lutheran School in Mount Prospect, IL and Immanuel Lutheran School in St. Charles, MO for this amazing accomplishment!

St. Paul Lutheran School, Mount Prospect, IL

Immanuel Lutheran School, St. Charles, MO

Every year the U. S. Department of Education seeks out and celebrates great American schools, schools demonstrating that all students can achieve to high levels. The National Blue Ribbon Schools Program honors public and private elementary, middle, and high schools where students achieve very high learning standards or are making notable improvements in closing the achievement gap. Exemplary High Performing Schools are among their state’s highest performing schools as measured by state assessments or nationally normed tests. Students in each grade level must perform in the top 15%. The award affirms the hard work of students, educators, families, and communities in creating safe and welcoming schools where students master challenging content. The National Blue Ribbon Schools flag gracing a school’s building is a widely recognized symbol of exemplary teaching and learning and these schools are an inspiration and a model for others still striving for excellence. On Nov. 7 and 8, the Department of Education will formally recognize the 279 public and 50 private schools at an awards ceremony in Washington, D.C.

For a list of all schools awarded National Blue Ribbon Status both current and historical, you can search at http://nationalblueribbonschools.ed.gov/awardwinners/