Since you landed here at the new LuthEd.org site and not at the old Lutheran School Portal login page, you probably were quick to figure out that the former Lutheran School Portal is now officially and completely closed. Navigating to the same website as the Portal will now lead you directly to the new LuthEd site so you can easily and quickly find the information for which you are looking without having to login or have a school subscription.
With the Portal being closed, this also means that any access to the Lutheran Educator Information Form (LEIF) is now discontinued as well. If you are a Rostered worker, you will now update your information through the Church Worker Update (CWU) site at https://cwu.lcms.org. If you do not know your ID/password combination, please follow the help prompts on the CWU login page. Ministries looking to search for Rostered workers to fill Called positions are now able to use the Commissioned Minister Information Form (CMIF) search site at https://cmif.lcms.org, and you will need to contact your District office for access and login information.
Finally, we would like to thank two groups of people as we are at this turning point in the online presence of the School Ministry office. First, to all of those who had the foresight to look deep into the future and set up the original Lutheran School Portal, thank you. Without your guidance and devotion we would not be where we are today. Secondly, we are extremely grateful for the team at the LCMS International Center who worked tirelessly to make the new websites and systems a realty. Without this group you would not be reading about all of the changes today!
So that is where we are. Please be sure to check back often to see what is new and to connect with the School Ministry office and other Lutheran schools around the country!